We Treat Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

Join our expert course to manage chronic pelvic pain syndrome from home. Access a range of targeted exercises, guided meditations, pain relief techniques, informative educational materials, and safe supplements. Many found relief with us. Begin your journey to a healthier life today.


Find Out If You Have Chronic Pelvic Pain

Try our free and easy test

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With our expert guidance, you're just a few clicks away from starting your journey towards a pain-free life. Take the first step with our Online Test now

1. What is your gender?

2. Have you already been diagnosed with one of the following?

3. What are your symptoms?

You can select multiple answers

4. How long have you been suffering from these symptoms?

5. Does sitting aggravate your symptoms?

6. Have you already seen a physician?

7. How much do your symptoms affect your everyday life?

8. How stressful would you describe your current life situation to be?

9. How old are you?

10. Do your symptoms flare up after ejaculation?

11. Did your symptoms arise after a surgery?

12. How often do you have to urinate during the day?

13. Do you suffer from anxiety disorders or depression?

14. Do you do any of the following sports?

15. How many hours a day do you sit?

16. Are you taking antidepressants?

17. Are you overweight?


Fill up the form to recieve test results

Name *
Email *


Join the 12 week Chronic
Pelvic Pain Relief Course


Significant reduction in pelvic discomfort

Improved pelvic floor strength and flexibility

Increased libido and self-esteem

Release of muscular tension in the pelvic area

Customized instructional content 

Direct access to specialized pelvic pain experts


15 minutes per day for 21 days

Daily instructional videos 

Comprehensive answers to your questions

Satisfaction guarantee with visible results

Complete understanding of the nature of the condiiton and a path to wellbeing


Daily instructional video with practical advice

Lifetime access to all course materials

Compare the Difference

SpineFix Course

Immediate access to treatment

No need to spend a fortune on physiotherapy

No need for prescription drugs – Avoid negative side effects

Get access to the best experts and top knowledge – No need to spend time on search and endless tries

Traditional Treatment

Lack of experts and understanding of a nature of the problem

Absense of multidisciplinary approach

Long wait in queues to see  doctors and pass the tests

Uncknown outcome of treatment


This Course Is For You If

You have been diagnosed with Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

You are struggling with pain for more than 3 months

You have frequent urination, prostate pain, rectal pain, groin, pelvic pain, or genital pain symptoms

You can't find the reason for pain

Regular anti-inflammatory drugs don't relieve your pain

You can't have a social life, normal mood, and optimistic views on life

You are scared that the best years go by, and the pain makes you suffer

You are tired of all this and want to cure it and forget it

Get our FREE video guide
"Critical Mistakes to Avoid in Your Pelvic Pain Treatment"

Watch Online

Discover the common pitfalls that could be prolonging your pain, learn how to sidestep these treatment traps, and equip yourself with the knowledge to enhance your healing journey. 

What is Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome?

Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) is a long-term lasting pain that affects the lower abdomen and pelvis.  

This condition often occurs without any bacterial infection and affects the urinary system, leading to difficulties with bladder functions.

For men, it's commonly called nonbacterial prostatitis. Women experience a similar condition, which may be classified under a range of medical diagnoses.

What are CPPS Symptoms?

Common symptoms of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) in both men and women include persistent pain in the pelvic area, discomfort or burning sensation during urination, and pain during sexual activities. 

Additional symptoms may encompass lower back pain, increased frequency of urination, discomfort in the lower abdomen, disruption of sleep, depression, persistent low mood. 

These symptoms can vary in intensity, often leading to significant discomfort and impacting daily activities and overall well-being.

Progression and diagnosis of Chronic Pelvic Pain

The progression and diagnosis of CPPS can be complex due to its varying symptoms and lack of a single, identifiable cause.

Typically, diagnosis involves ruling out other conditions through a series of tests, as there is no definitive test for CPPS itself.

Symptoms may persist for months or even years, and their intensity can change over time, making management and treatment a long-term process. 

The causes of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

Possible causes of CPPS  range from muscle tension and inflammation in the pelvic region to psychological factors like stress or past trauma.

For many, the frustration is increased by the difficulty in obtaining a clear diagnosis, as symptoms overlap with various other conditions.

These challenges require involving the collaboration of multiple healthcare specialists to address the physical and emotional aspects of CPPS.

How to treat Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome?

The treatments of CPPS include physical therapy to relieve tension in the pelvic floor muscles, including stretching and specific exercises for the pelvic, bladder, and rectal areas.

Psychological treatments, such as stress management and relaxation exercises, also play a critical role in managing underlying stress.

Furthermore, therapies focused on easing nerve irritation can significantly help in alleviating the fundamental causes and the symptoms associated with CPPS.

The main challenge in treating CPPS is the need for patient involvement. If patients are engaged, the chances for improvement and recovery are very good.

Begin the "End Your Pelvic Pain" Course and
See Results in Just 21 Days!

Our Team of Experts

We trully know how it feels...

Mark Keller


Yana Fischer


Ania Weber


Your Path to Recovery
Step By Step

1. Understand Pelvic Pain

Dive into the essentials of pelvic pain, learning what triggers it and how it affects your body, to better prepare for your healing journey.

2. Calm Your Nerves

Discover relaxation and breathing techniques that help soothe your nervous system and reduce pelvic tension, setting the stage for effective treatment.

3. Begin Exercises

Start with gentle, targeted exercises designed to strengthen and stretch the pelvic area, promoting healing and pain relief.

4. First Progress

Notice the initial improvements in your condition as you consistently follow the exercise regimen, encouraging continued effort and commitment.

5. Access Support

Get expert guidance and community backing as you implement your treatment plan, ensuring you have the knowledge and encouragement you need.

6. Never Feel Pain

Embrace a new level of comfort as you integrate all you've learned and practiced into a pain-free lifestyle.

Marta C. Baum

Suffered from pelvic pain for 7 years

"I’ve been working through pelvic pain for years without much change. This course offered straightforward exercises that have made a real difference. No more endless searching for what might work. Now, I have a set of tools that actually help with the pain, making my daily life much more manageable."

Anthony Warner

Suffered from pelvic pain for 5 years

"After years of trying everything to ease my chronic pelvic pain, this course was a breath of fresh air. Not only did it save me from costly treatments I’d tried in the past, but it also gave me back the freedom I thought I'd lost. I can manage my days without the pain getting in the way. It’s good to finally have some clear guidance and techniques that help"

Frequently Asked Questions

They did it and
you can do it too!

You're not alone in this. Many people have been where you are, feeling the same pain. But they found a way to get better and live without that pain.uietly fighting. Pain shouldn’t be your norm.

You've been struggling with pelvic pain, trying things like painkillers that don't really solve the problem. Imagine not having that pain every day.

Now, imagine a day without pain. Imagine having the support and guidance that addresses not just the symptom, but the source.

Our course is here to help you do the same. It's made by experts to get to the real cause of your pain, not just cover it up.

Wave goodbye to:

  • Endless days overshadowed by discomfort
  • Generic advice that doesn't help
  • Battling through the pain, pretending it's okay
  • Wondering if this is just how life will be

Join us and start feeling better. Like others who have beaten this pain, you can too. Let's make a pain-free day a reality for you.

Get our FREE video guide
"Critical Mistakes to Avoid in Your Pelvic Pain Treatment"

Watch Online

Discover the common pitfalls that could be prolonging your pain, learn how to sidestep these treatment traps, and equip yourself with the knowledge to enhance your healing journey.